Photo of Eglée Manzo Venezuela

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Multifaceted artist. Recognized internationally, having participated in exhibits in relevant museums and galleries in Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, United states, Spain, Italy, Guatemala, Mexico, Panamá, Perú, Venezuela and Russia.

Exhibitions carried out


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31.50 x 27.56 in
32.68 x 28.74 in
26.77 x 19.29 in
29.92 x 22.05 in
19.69 x 14.96 in
22.44 x 18.50 in
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Photo of Eglée Manzo Venezuela

EDUCATIONDRAWING and PAINTIN (during Higschool)COLEGIO EMIL FRIEDMAN, Caracas, 1970 - 1972DRAWING AND PAINTING, ESCUELA DE ARTES PLASTICAS CRISTÓBAL ROJAS (Arts Community College), Caracas, 1972 ? 1975 Diploma: Drawing and PaintingPreparation for Bachelor in Fine ArtsSANTA FE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A. 1978 ? 1980Diploma: Associated of ArtsArquitecture, UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, Attendance to classes in Fine Arts Major. Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A. 1980 ? 1982 (Not completed)COURSES, SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPSCOURSES: ILUSTRATION ? DRAWING FOR ADVERTISING, ACADEMY OF ART COLLEGE, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 1985 ? 1986 * WORKSHOP: WORKS OF ART?S RESTORATION UNIVERSIDAD SIMON BOLIVAR, Caracas, 1976 Certificate * WORKSHOP: INTRODUCTION TO MUSEOLOGY, UNIVERSIDAD SIMON BOLIVAR, Caracas, 1976 Certificate * SET OF CONFERENCES: ?THE LAST 25 YEARS OF OUR ART? Professor Francisco D?Antonio, UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DE VENEZUELA, Caracas, 1976 Certificate * COURSE: HISTORY OF ART, MILART INTERNACIONA, ARTES VISUALES C.A. Caracas, 1994 ? 1996 Certificate * COURSE: HISTORY OF ART DAMAS SALESIANAS, Caracas, 1996 ? 1997 * WORKSHOP: ?TREE PROBLES IN CONTEMPORARY ART? by Menene Balaguer, MUSEO ALEJANDRO OTERO, Caracas, 1997 Certificate * WORKSHOP: ?THE LANGUAGES OF CONTEMPORARY ART? By Félix Suazo, ESPACIOS UNION, Caracas, 2000 * NATIONAL ARTIST?S CONGRESS VENEZUELAN ARTISTS ASSOCIATION (AVAP), MUSEO DE ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO SOFÍA ÍMBER, Caracas, 28 y 29 de Julio de 2002 * WORKSHOP: ?CONSERVATION OF WATERCOLOR PAPER? By Restaurateur Luis Quintero, GALERÍA FÉLIX, Caracas, 2002 * WORKSHOP: ?TENDENCIES, ATITUDES AND BEHAVIOR OF VENEZUELAN ART, MUSEO DE BELLAS ARTES, Caracas, 2005 * CONFERENCE: KINNETIC ART REVISITED, by Curator Katherine Chacon * CURATORS VOICE?S ART PROYECT, Miami, Florida, 2017 EXPERIENCEAS A VISUAL ARTISTParticipation in many Art exhibits in: Argentina, Brassil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, Itaiy, Guatemala, México, Panamá, Russia, United States and Venezuela * Main guest in several Art exhibits * Some Honnor Mentions and awards * Writting of several critiques for artist?s catalogues * Numerous newspaper and magazines reviews, critics and interviews.TEACHING ON THE STUDIOIndividual and group?s Drawing and Painting classes for adults and kids * Fashion Workshops in Watercolor * English lenguajeTEACHING OUTSIDE THE STUDIOFASHION AND INTERIOR DESIGN INSTITUTE ?BRIVIL? Subject: Color theory, 2007 ? 2012 GRAPHIC DESIGN INSTITUTE ?PERERA?, Subject: Illustration, 2004 ? 2011 CONFERENCES GIVEN?EN TORNO A LA ACUARELA? (About Watercolor)FUNDACIÓN FRANCISCO HERRERA LUQUE, 2014 * FUNDACIÓN FRANCISCO HERRERA LUQUE, 2012 * GALERÍA ALEJANDRO OTERO (SEDE AVAP), 2011 * GALERÍA ARTE FLORIDA, CARACAS, 2010 * AUDITÓRIUM DEL MUSEO DE BELLAS ARTES (Certificado de participación), 2006 * Salon Orinoco, HOTEL TAMANACO, Caracas, 2004 * Sala conferencias "Rosario Gassol de Horowitz? de la BIBLIOTECA CENTRAL DE LA UNIVERSIDAD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR, 2004?PINTURA CHINA? (Chinese painting)AUDITÓRIUM DEL MUSEO DE BELLAS ARTES, CARACAS., 2005 * SALA 8, ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL HUMBOLDT, 2005VISITA GUIADA (Guided visit) por la exposición ?Los Otros Tesoros del Banco Central de Venezuela?. Sala 1 del MUSEO DE BELLAS ARTES, 2005VOLUNTEER WORKPublic Relations Director, Venezuelan Watercolor Association (AVA), 2000=2002 * President AVA, 2002-2004 * Preident AVA, 2004-2006 * Public Relations Director AVA, 2013-2015

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